How important is a white smile to you?

all about dazzlesmile

dazzlesmile – the cutting edge, patented formula designed to become the new leader in teeth whitening. Thanks to modern research and technology, dazzlesmile is quite possibly the easiest and most effective whitening system available. Everyone knows a beautiful smile lights up a room, why shouldn’t yours? Don’t be shy, don’t hide that dingy smile. Use dazzlesmile for the brightest smile possible, with out clumsy trays or gels. Who would have known, it’s really just a mint?

dazzlesmile whitens your teeth with a simple two part system. The dazzlesmile whitening mint is taken after meals or whenever you need fresh breath. Move it around your mouth, letting it dissolve completely, while the formula penetrates deep into the layers of your teeth. After using dazzlesmile, your mouth will feel clean, and fresh. Instead of brushing with your traditional toothpaste, use dazzlesmile’s whitening toothpaste to reap the whitening benefits while you brush. That’s it, no change to your daily regimen. Nothing is this easy to use, with this great of results with such minimal effort. All that, and there are no reported side effects. dazzlesmile is completely safe to use.

There are many whitening gums, mints, and toothpastes on the market. Most whitening toothpastes work little better than “regular” toothpaste. Most bleaching products are formulated in a way that they actually start to break down the moment they come in contact with the saliva. Thanks to modern research and technology, dazzlesmile’s unique patented formula is able to tolerate these conditions and penetrate deep into your teeth, breaking down and removing the deepest stains. True whitening passes through many layers of the enamel, instead of just lightening the outer surface of the tooth. Dazzlesmile is not only a tooth whitening product, but one that improves your overall oral health one day at a time.

It requires no deviation from your daily regimen. It’s so easy to use, and the best thing about it? The price. A whole year’s supply of dazzlesmile’s whitening system actually costs less than a one-time professional bleaching/lightening process. Not only is it cost-effective, but its ease of use is unsurpassed. In-office bleaching and whitening is not only incredibly expensive, but the results are short-lived. Studies show that after bleaching, one year later your smile’s brightness will degrade 41%.

Don’t forget it’s intense whitening formula lies in a simple mint and toothpaste. Who would have thought it could be so easy? It’s really just a mint! No drastic changes… So many benefits, what do you have to lose? Don’t reach for that sugary after dinner mint, grab a dazzlesmile whitening mint. Don’t settle for toothpastes with the capability only to remove surface stains. dazzlesmile’s patented formula works deep into the teeth, breaking apart stains at the deepest level possible.

dazzlesmile allows you to go on and enjoy your favorite things in life, without being afraid to smile. dazzlesmile doesn’t just whiten your teeth. It fights halitosis, gingivitis, speeds healing of cuts and sores of the mouth, reduces the incidence of cavities, and plaque. Of course, with its minty-fresh flavor, dazzlesmile always leaves your mouth feeling crisp and clean. You can even do a trial if you’re not quite ready to commit to a whitening regimen.

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